Sunday, July 11, 2021

Racism - deal or no deal?

Let's talk. Straight and honest. I am an Asian and there's been lot of going on lately regarding the people of the same race as I am. As many of you may guess, I am talking  about hating Asians. I must say that hatred towards Asians did exist long before Covid pandemic, and it became only worse because of that pandemic. Now Asians are harassed, attacked and killed everywhere in the world. Even in a country like the USA where everybody is immigrant or descendants of immigrants, representing every race and skin color, except the natives, of course, things look far worse. In Europe and other continents Asians are facing the same problem. 

As rumors say, the native Americans actually came from Asia some thousands of years ago and settled down in America making it home. It is scientifically even proved that there is a genetic connection  between native Americans and Asians, a prove that a migration happened back then.  Check this out: Oldest genetic link

If we believe this (who doesn't believe in science but DT?) , people of Asian descent were the first one who set foot on this continent, and therefore have the right to be called as the first settlers. All others, whites and blacks, joined much later.

So, for whites or black folks who say to us "Go back home", I wanna say that we were here first, and you are the one who should  go back where you came from, be it Europe or Africa. I wanna say one thing to all black folks in the US: You shouldn't be hating us!  Asians didn't bring you guys to America as slaves and tortured you for centuries. Even today, think about who is discriminating you because of your skin color! Not us! So, why do you hate us? If you hate us, we will hate you back!  Is that what you guys want? Is it not enough to be treated like you used to be, by so called "superior white race" and you want turn us against you too? I want that every person of African descent read this and think about it, seriously.

As to white people, who think that they are "superior", I just want to say that nobody is "superior" to others. All three main races, or people of skin colors, have own deficiency and advantages. Let's see. Asians are of smaller physical built compared to other two races. The reason may be multiple:  food, environmental, lower bone mineral content, life style etc. I think the "bigger guys" from those three races are  the Africans. They are taller, and more muscular. The whites or so called "Caucasians" (or the Europeans) is in between. Of course, there are short and tall ones in every race, but  generally it is in that order.

"Small eyes" or as our white and black races love to call it as "slit eyes", is also one of the "reason" why our "friends" hate us. They like to mock a lot about it. Well, a small body needs a small eye, right? In proportion, you know what I mean?  Bigger bodies, bigger eyes. But then, bigger eyes have own weaknesses: they tend to collect more dirt, get "sick" easily, and can't see things far away. In short, big eyes = big problems.  They might look "cute" but it's just a look. What’s the use of “bigger” eyes if you can’t see far away?

Blacks tend to have more eye diseases compared to whites and Asians.

One other difference: Asians have bigger brain than Europeans and Africans. How can “whites” be “superior” if they have smaller brain compared to Asians? Larger brain contains more neurons and processes information more efficiently. The size? Asian brain was in average 1415 cubic centimeter (cc), European was 1362 cc, and African brain was 1268 cc in size.

No intelligent person can deny that this "superior" thing is a bullshit. As you can see, no race is "perfect." For Europeans (or Whites) who claim that White race is superior to others, let me give some facts which would prove that's not the case. The whites like to claim that they are/were the civilized race compared to others.

If you want to talk about the civilization, then  you should know that it started first in what is  today Middle eastern region, way back many thousands of years. And  there are three well- studied ancient civilization  like Egyptian, Indian and Chinese.  The most hated Chinese was  one of the four  oldest civilization of the world and has the longest continuous history with 3500 years of written history.

The white race was way far behind when Middle Eastern region flourished and the Chinese were busy inventing  gun powder, paper, compass etc. Read more here. The reason why the earliest civilizations became stagnant and fell behind the western civilization has many factors and this would be a great theme for a dissertation for anybody who deals with that kind of subject. So I wouldn't go into details about it because I am not an expert. My opinion is solely based on logic and my understanding. 

The western civilization started much later but had a steady forward moving and progressed to that point where it became the dominant one in the world. I am sure that early civilizations had significant influences on western civilization too.  Now that the western civilization has became the magnet for all others,  many people especially from not so developed or poor places, want to immigrate to those European countries and America,   where they are harassed, discriminated and labeled as uncivilized and trash, by the "superior" white race. Ironically and sadly, those who are the descendants of slaves, our African American friends, are  happily joining their former "white masters" to hate Asian people. How is that possible? Did they forget where they came from and what they went through? 

Now the Asian countries have overcome the stagnation and moving forward to compete with the West, successfully. Americans love Japanese cars and other products and China became the second largest economy of the world. Koreans, Singaporeans, Indians and others chasing after.

Mongolia is far behind being one of the super strong economies but we made a name in the world history as well. Do you know that the largest empire was the Great Mongolian Empire? It was the largest contiguous land empire in the world history.  Who doesn’t know the name Chinggis Khaan (well-known in the west by the wrong spelled name-Genghis khan)?

So, racism and hate will bring to nothing. Any person is not born as racist. Racist person is a product of that particular society and surrounding environment. Racist person is a home-made product. Any racist person, be it “white”, “black” or “yellow”, has become a racist thanks to his/her parents because his/her parents were racist. That means if you are speaking ill about others at home when your kids are present, your kids will do the same and become ones just like you when they grow up. 

“Thanks to” the COVID, home-made racists openly bully at schools and kindergartens just like their parents taught them. Asian kids and students are being harassed and bullied more than before the pandemic started. Every Asian kid is being “classified” as “Chinese” and blamed for COVID. Ironically in the US which is a new country made of immigrants, hatred is on the rise. 

Without putting a serious fight against racism, the humanity will suffer forever. We need to start with the youngsters and do something so that they can grow as real humans. Basic steps would be proper teaching at kindergartens and schools. Kids should know that they will succeed and be happy if they accept others and peacefully coexist with others. They need to be taught that every race is equal and peace is only possible if they love each other. These kind of philosophy can be taught by parents who are smart and intelligent, from the day one when kids start to crawl. 

This racism issue can be kept at the lowest level when we work successfully with our future generations no matter what color of skin we are. Racism is in every color. So everybody needs to think about it. Otherwise the world will be not a place to live peacefully side by side, but a hell which is not a place you want to be. We are on this only one planet and we don’t want it to be destroyed. Racism will destroy it in the long run, one way or the other, if we neglect this racism issue.




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