Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Another wrestler in the Parliament

One of disputed problems was solved recently by a revote- a  continuation of the Parliament's election of 2012. One seat  was  still not filled in the new Parliament, and voters of the Songinokhairkhan electorate district had to decide whom to choose as the third  MP to represent them. Two candidates were on the ballot and both had not sufficient amount of votes back in 2012 to be elected directly. One is Sumyabazar D., a well-known wrestler in Mongolia, a nomination of the Mongolian Peopl'e Party (MPP- former communist party), and his opponent is the Democratic Party candidate named Erkhembayar.
It turned out that Sumyabazar got the most of the votes and  probably will be declared as the winner.

Even though he does not represent the majority of all voters of electoral district Songinokhairkhan , he will be allowed to become an MP soon anyway. Nothing personal, but it itches me when he, or anybody else in that matter, is is going  to be declared as the Representative of that electorate having only 33 thousand votes out of  180 thousand possible. Even though it was a revote it still seems  not right. I am just saying. It is not possible to haul all voters (in total of 180 thousand people) to voting place and it would be also difficult to repeat the procedure again due to lack of participation  by the voters because of the costs. So there is nothing one can do to do it right, until some changes are made in the appropriate laws and our citizens become more responsible and be aware of one's obligations.

B.Bat-Erdene (MP)
Electoral district Songinokhairkhan has 180 thousand registered voters. Three representatives must be elected in the Parliament from this electorate. In 2012 election only two reps can be elected but a revote was needed for the third seat among two candidates because neither of them won the necessary minimum votes.
Sumyabazar  won the 55% of the votes in the revote. Sadly, only 33% of the total numbers of the  voters on the list  showed up to vote. That is 60 thousand people. 55% of this 60 thousand would be 33 thousand. So  33 thousand people voted for Sumyabazar who will represent 180 thousand voters of this district. He has changed his career from the one of wrestler's to politician. Sumyabazar has a tutor already in the Parliament- the most famous wrestler B.Bat-Erdene who is serving  his third  term since 2004.  Since both wrestlers are in the same party- MPP, they will be close partners and companions for sure.

Asashoryu, 68th Yokozuna
Sumyabazar is the older brother of Asashoryu , the 68th Yokozuna, the most famous Mongolian professional Sumo wrestler who won the cup 25 times in Japan. Sumyabazar competed in Mongolian national wrestling, free style wrestling  and later  he tried  kickboxing too but was not so successful as expected. So he gave up and  decided to compete in the political ring.
Let's see how is gonna do it.

Sumyabazar (sitting) with Asahsoryu

Below are some videos  about how he performed  in different types of competition:

1. Mongolian national  wrestling (Winner at Mongolian National Wrestling Championship in 2006)

2. Freestyle wrestling (at Sydney Olympic Games in 2000)


3. Kickboxing (against Bob Sapp- former American football player)

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